Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sweet Little Photo Swap #9

Happy Sunday!!  I am on a camping vacation right now in the beautiful state of Minnesota.  We are having a blast.  Had SO much fun at the zoo today and have plans for going to the Mall of America tomorrow.  So with limited time to post, I am going to get this party started!!

Here are my favorite photos from the week.  This was a fun photo session I did with Ally.  The best part of it was my discovery of a turquoise wall that I didn't know existed right by my house!

If you haven't linked up to Sweet Little Photo Swap before, here are the rules.

1)  Please write a SPECIFIC photo swap post
2)  Share 5-10 of your favorite photos from the week and share why you liked them.
3)  Link back to Sweet Little Photo Swap with a link or a button.
4)  It would be AWESOME if you would follow Sweet Little Gals
5)  Follow at least TWO other people on the photo swap list
6)  ENJOY!! ;)

And the other exciting news is that I am 
starting a brand new linky party this Tuesday that you will
want to check out called Turquoise Lovin' where you 
will share all of your turquoise posts!!  Hope to see you then!


Unknown said...

She is adorable! LOVELY PICS!!


Anonymous said...

So sweet!! I love that little dress! It's just too adorable.

Mary @ Redo 101 said...

Such gorgeous photos - my fave is the one where she's peeking through the two tree branches. What a willing and happy little model you have!

Bec@littlelucylu said...

BEAUTIFUL, Sara! :-)
Hope you're having a great time camping!!!

Kate said...

great pics!

Anonymous said...

You were in MN? I LIVE in MN!!! How awesome :) Hope you had a blast and the weather was nice - THANK you for linking me to this - your photos are great and I'm loving your blog too.

I'll be back :) (Said in my BEST Arnold Voice)


jamie w said...

Beautiful pictures. She's such a little doll. How do you get her to pose like that?

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