Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tea Party Love

Remember those FUN old times when you used to play together with your little girlfriends?  I don't know about you, but some of my favorites of those times were spent having a good ol' fashioned tea party.  It just made ya feel kinda grown up.  Ahh those were the days.  Now I often wonder why I wanted to grow up so much.  Those days were so carefree and I often wish I had them back. 

Well, today I want to go back in time, and remind us of some of those good old memories .  I just LOVE my new Pinterest board that I named Tea Party Love.  Here are some of my fun tea party pins from the week!

This is making me wanna have a grownup 
TEA party, how about you?  I think I just might do that.

If you wanna see more fun Pinterest stuff 
head over to Michelle's fun Wednesday linky party 


Natasha in Oz said...

These are so cute. I have a tea board on Pinterest too. I will have to add some of your pins!

I actually have changed up my Sunday Song party and am now hosting a Pinning and Singing on the Weekend Party and I would so happy if you could link up this post. My Sunday Song posts were full of Pinterest pictures so I figured I might as well combine both!

Take care and best wishes,

Unknown said...

Fantastic theme, so colorful and so pretty.

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I'd love to just leave work and have a tea party!

Anonymous said...

ahhhh now i want a tea party :) great pins! you should check out my Bobbie Brown make up compact I'm giving away on my blog :) xo

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