Suite Dreems has earned a Kreativ Blogger Award!!
There are rules to this award and they are as follows:
1. I must pass this award on to 10 bloggers.
2. I must tell you 10 things about me that you don't know.
So here are TEN incredible blogs that I think you should get to know because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE them and try to visit them often!
1. Little Lucy Lu
2. House of Turquoise
3. 4 Little Men and Girly Twins
4. Mama Natural
5. Blonde At Heart
6. Johnny in a dress
7. Life as We know It
8. Molly's Muses
9. Peace Love and Applesauce
10. Live Laugh Love and Libbi
I'm so happy I get to pass this on to these awesome bloggers who have made such an impact on me.
AND now, here's ten things that you may not know about me!!
1. I was born in an ambulance. ;)
2. I'm the "Baby" in my family...oh the joys!! (And NO, I'm NOT spoiled at all!)
3. I spent a year being a girls dorm dean in a school for "at risk" teens. (Yeah, I survived!)
4. I used to be a full-time K-12 music teacher. Now I'm a full time mom!
5. One of my favorite activities is mountain climbing...we used to climb a 9000 foot peak countless times during the summers I was at home!
6. I LOVE animals of all kinds! Especially HORSES and cats. I have five cats now and I'm working on getting the horses! (Growing up I used to spend HOURS riding my horse...nothing could be better!)
7. I am TERRIFIED of heights!!
8. I like to write music...I wrote a song for each of my girls for their church dedications. SO much fun!
9. I LOVE Little House on the Prairie...the books, the shows, ANYTHING I can get my hands on Little House on the Prairie!! I can't even count the times I read those books in my lifetime so far. I have even started Ally on them now. I even got to go to the Little House on the Prairie musical in SD last year!! Yeah, I know, OBSESSED!!
10. I am really shy, but LOVE people!! I can talk your ear off if you let me, but am actually a REALLY good listener too.
There you have it...ten things about me you may not have known before. Thanks again Jill for including me in the Kreativ Blogger award!!