Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sweet Little Photo Swap #10

Time for photo swappin' again!!  Even though the parties have been small so far, I am loving the photos that you faithfuls share each week.   Just know that each and EVERY person that joins makes my heart dance.  (no, really you do!)  I guess I will have to keep searching for more of you awesome photographers.  I know you're out there, just not sure where to find you!

Just to clarify, I want to make sure you all know who is welcome at the party.  ANYONE.  Yes, that's right, anyone that likes to take pictures, whether you have a point and shoot camera, a DSLR, or even a professional camera.  This is a party to share our memories and love of taking pictures with each other.  Just wanted to make sure you all know that!

This week I have photos to share from our camping trip to MN, our trip to the mall of America, the zoo, and just random photos from around here.  Hope you enjoy them!

Love this Daddy/daughter photo!!

I liked how the coloring turned out on this one!

A store at the mall of America...framed and all!

He was SO cute, looked at us and then sighed, smiled a little and went back to sleep!

Took this one out the window on our way out of Minneapolis

Also taken out a window

Ally in Grandma's flower bed

These flowers are even more gorgeous in real life!

This one is my favorite for obvious reasons!

If you haven't linked up to Sweet Little Photo Swap before, here are the rules.

1)  Please write a SPECIFIC photo swap post
2)  Share 5-10 of your favorite photos from the week and share why you liked them.
3)  Link back to Sweet Little Photo Swap with a link or a button.
4)  It would be AWESOME if you would follow Sweet Little Gals
5)  Follow at least TWO other people on the photo swap list
6)  ENJOY!! ;)

Grab a sweet little button!

Happy Sunday!!  Can't wait to see what you've
been up to this week! ;)


Hannah said...

Thankyou Sara for inviting me! I'll gladly enter! :D

Unknown said...

thank you for visiting my photo blog and your invite to join

Selina said...

Thank you for inviting me! I will not be doing this round, but I will watch for future photo parties. It was a great honor to be invited.
I will most likely join you in the next one.

Hosanna said...

Thanks for inviting me!!! I feae honored!

In Christ

mary ann said...

Oops. I think I did this wrong., I guess I didn't have enough time to write a specific post while I was out of power. Anyway, I love this idea and I will definitely link up next time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me!! :) Your photos are beautiful! :)
I linked up, but accidentally made my thumbnail the linky icon. :P oh well. hahaha

Working Mommy said...

Such wonderful pictures!!

New follower~


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