Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Turquoise is SO pinteresting

Today I want to share my newest favorite turquoise pins with you.  I STILL can't get enough of that gorgeous shade!  Look at all of this awesomeness!!!

LOVE this little cubby

SO cool!

This space is SO refreshing!

This could be in MY yard!

Turquoise door

Gorgeous turquoise hutch

Old fashioned stove

Cool sign

I love these bright colors together!

WAY awesome ottoman

Like this decorative sign
Turquoise and red wreath

Pretty mason jar redo
Cutey boots!

And yummy cake
If you'd like to pin these turquoise beauties


Jessica said...

I love that wreath!

Courtney said...

I love all of this!! Aqua/turquoise is my favorite color!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I love it all! I am kinda obsessed with the shade also. I have a couch that's a light turquoise, blue color and I adore it :)

The Sweet Life said...

Loving your pins and really loving those boots.

Anonymous said...

I have that turqoise door pinned too!!

Unknown said...

ya i'm pretty much obsessed with this colour right now too!

if you'll excuse me i have to go paint my front door turquoise now...

Anonymous said...

I love turquoise! I have been trying for over a year now to talk hubs into letting me repaint our kitchen using turquoise, coral and browns but he is just not seeing my vision! Men!

Natasha in Oz said...

These pins are great! I'm going to have to check out your collection!

Best wishes,

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