Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

I was feeling kinda sentimental today and thought I'd share some of my pins on my Words board with you all.  (Some are hilarious too, as being me I can't ever be sentimental for very long!)  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Yeah, this one is the MOST sentimental of all (can you 
hear the sarcasm in my voice? LOL)

Don't ya love it?

LOVE this one...

Aren't those Swedes smart?!?

I have loved this quote ever since I've lived...

Isn't this one exciting?



And that one, my friends is the one I want you to remember today....
Isn't HE awesome?

Happy Wednesday!


Unknown said...

great quotes! :)

Julie @ The Trendy Boutique said...

I love all of those :) I may borrow some! Thanks for following my blog - I am now following you too!

Anonymous said...

New follower from the Wild Wed Hop! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute post! I love the you are the cheese to my macaroni. I'm gonna have to use that someday.

Claudia Fabiana said...

Thanks for visiting. I am now following. hope you'd like to do the same!


Silverfaerie said...

The chicken quote is definitely my fave....too funny :)

Your newest GFC follower from the About a Mom: Wild Wednesday Hop! Looking forward to seeing your wonderful posts! Would love it if you would visit mine :)

Doreen said...

I really enjoyed those:) Of course especially the last one! Already follow just dropping by to say hello and catch up on some reading.

-mandy said...

Thanks Sara for the invite! Love all the turquoise!!!

-mandy said...

By the way I'm using one of your quotes or maybe all! LOVE THEM!! Chicken one is great. My daughter is in the telling joke stage! :)

Unknown said...

I love the "Life is short - no time for fussing and fighting my friend quote!"

Great quotes, thanks for sharing!

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