Ok, so I am one of the world's WORST mom's when it comes to making schedules and getting things done on time. HORRIBLE. Period. Organizational failure. Yep, that's ME.
I don't know if any of you struggle with this as much as I do. Having one kid was hard enough for me, but now that I have two my organizational skills have deteriorated even MORE. My house is ALWAYS in chaos, and the bad thing about that is that is drives me INSANE.
I wish I were one of those people who doesn't care, but I'm not! Usually someone that cares, gets things DONE. But here I am, every day longing to have one of those perfect houses with my laundry always done, dishes always done, dusting always done, fresh cookies on the table, and time to ENJOY my babies guilt-free, but NO! As of yet, I haven't arrived.
The hard thing about this is, I BLOG. And I LOVE to blog, only I always feel guilty when I DO, seeing I should be cleaning, or cooking or organizing. And even harder than all of that is that I see YOU. All of you other bloggers out there, making all of these fabulous projects. And I have to admit, watching YOU is difficult for me. Because all I see is perfection. Why am I the only one who struggles with just getting the everyday stuff done. I want SO badly to have an AWESOME blog that everyone would love to be a part of, but then I have to let my house go and my kids go, and everything else go!! How do you all do it? What am I missing out on?
Yeah, enough complaining already. I know. (But I HAD to make you know how dire my situation is before I could explain my idea/solution to my problem.)
I NEED YOUR HELP!! Since you guys seem to have it all figured out, I am asking, BEGGING you to tell me how you do it? How do you get everything done each day and STILL have enough time to blog and make beautiful projects?
Am I missing something important?
And my HOPEFUL solution to my problem is this. I am going to have a random, one time, this time only, for me (selfish isn't it?) linky party just to hear from all of you. TIPS. I need 'em! LOTS of 'em. Write ONE post dedicated to this subject, pretty please? FOR me? And of course for each other too.
Your post can include ANYTHING to do with schedules, organization, how to keep kids entertained for hours, all of your ways that you survive everyday life and keep your sanity. I will welcome ANY tips you can think of so that I can find a way to make my life a little less chaotic. I know you are out there. I know ya'all have tips, now all you need to do is share them. With me and with each other!
I'm sure there's at least a FEW more people other than me that need tips, right?
So here it is, ONE big beautiful linky party that I'm gonna post all about scheduling, organizing, cooking, cleaning, mommying (I made this one up!), and kid-behaving. All in one post. I hope to get at least SOME responses from all of you.
I would REALLY appreciate any help you can give me!! Thanks SO much for your participation. I can't do this party without YOU!!! Just a note: THIS IS NOT A REGULAR BLOG HOP just linking up any post you want to...I would appreciate the links being on the subject of organizing/scheduling if you would please. I will have to delete those that are not following rules...
So...here goes nothin'...
I joined with you :)
Hey sweet friend! Just this morning, I wrote about the temptation of perfection on my 'other' blog, www.readingwithlarri.blogspot.com.
I'm going to share a blogging secret with you...You do NOT see perfection in the other blogs. You are only catching a glimpse, a one-snapshot moment of a Mommy blogger's life. Behind the scenes is the dirty reality...dishes in the sink, laundry in a pile, smudged little kids, etc.
Give yourself a big break, because you do have a wonderful and pretty, and inspiring blog; and then give yourself a bigger pat on the back for being a fabulous Mom. Life is messy. That's the part most Moms are going to relate to (and love to read about!) on your blog.
PS...The dishes and dirt will wait. Go play with your kids. They won't recall the clean house they lived in as much as the moments you spent with them playing and giggling.
(((HUGS))) from a new follower who looks forward to reading all your posts. ☺
Ha Ha I wrote a post very similar to this myself this morning...only my decision was to slooowww things down because I simply can not do it all. I'm eager to read what your other readers have to say!
I love this idea! I don't have any posts about organization however, as soon as I think of a way to keep myself organized I will sign up for this hop! Please do this again in the future!
I also joined :)
I'm following back from you following my food blog and I had to comment really quick - have you heard of the Organizing Junkie? (orgjunkie.com/) She has some amazing tips and tricks!
When I get to it..hopefully soon I will post my schedule that I try to follow.
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