Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I am Loving Shoes

This week I pinned A LOT of shoes onto my pinterest boards.  In fact I pinned SO many I decided to just make a board dedicated to SHOES.  There's SO many fun ones out there.  Wait till you see! 

Shoes either make or break an outfit as far as I'm concerned.  I can't think of anything more fun than coming home from the store with a new pair!  Which reminds me, I am NEEDING some new ones now to spice up my outfits!  {grin}

I always love red/white/blue
Love the ties

Bright red is a compliment to any outfit

SO delicate

These are so unique

Even a vintagy pair


These would be GORGEOUS for a wedding we come Kansas!

Nothing like sparkles

Not sure if I could walk on these!

Nothing needs to be said...

SO pretty

I think these may be my favorite



ANY of these shoes are welcome in my closet

Linking up with The Vintage Apple
their Wednesday linky parties


Unknown said...

Oooooh I love those blue ones with the bow! They are FANTASTIC. Great choices! :)

Lacey said...

I love, love, love shoes! The rhinestone Louboutins are my favorite!!

molly b. said...

I do love a pair of Sassy shoes!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

The second ones and the last ones I want!!!! Soo beautiful! I like your style ;)

Crazy Me said...

My favorite is the fourth pair down!! I soooo wish I could wear shoes like that!

Samantha D said...

Wow I love shoes to and I have a board of shoes only on Pinterest too.

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Can I have all of them?! Please?! but if not just the last pair!????? :D
Stopping by via Michelle's. :)

Ashley said...

love all the shoes! esp the turquise ones!!

The Sweet Life said...

Ahh I love the sparkly ones. Thanks for the blog love...following now. Happy Wednesday!

Bree said...

I am a shoe lover as well! Those last ones can walk into my closet any ol' day!

Wandered by from the Vintage Apple! Thanks for sharing!!

Sarah said...

Yup. Now I know Pinterest is the best place to find cute shoes. Because, these are AMAZING! I'll have to find you because these pins are ADORABLE!

Bec@littlelucylu said...

Don't you know it's just plain torture to show a girl who's already almost 6 feet tall heels like that!?! :)~
Unless I want to be 6-foot-6, that will just never be a reality for me! :(~ What a bummer! SOOOooo cute!

Kym @ Travel Babbles said...

Those red white and blue shoes are H-O-T!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a pinterest acct but I don't use it, I really need to start!!

Anonymous said...

great pics girl :) love the choice in shoes hun! love your blog by the way! xo

Unknown said...

those shoes are all amazing!! love that idea for a pinterest board :)

{I'm hosting a giveaway & I'd love to see you there!}

Unknown said...

Stumbled from Stumble Me Friday (sorry I'm so late!!) I hope you link up again this week :)

Ana said...

Loving the whites, the sparkly and the last ones!
Great pins!

xo, Ana
My (Newly)Wed Life

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