Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oh How I LOVE the 4th

Yep, just as I said, I LOVE the 4th of July!!!  Can't even explain how much I do.  There's so many reasons why it's my very favorite holiday.  First of all, the 4th of July is at my most favorite time of the year, SUMMER time!  I LOVE summertime and heat and going out to the lake.   

Secondly, I LOVE the colors that go with the 4th.  If you were to walk through my house right now, all you would see is RED, WHITE, BLUE, and TURQUOISE.  I bask in them. Our wedding was red white and blue too, and it turned out very lovely, only I would love to do it again with a touch of turquoise! {grin}...Just recently (I'm sure you've noticed) I discovered the turquoise/red combo and I've loved adding it to my already red/white/blue decor. 

Thirdly, I love the food that comes with the 4th.  I love eating anyway, but the 4th of July food is on the top of my favorite list!  I love to eat summer foods like watermelon, sandwiches, fruit dips, trifles, potato salad, YOU NAME IT!! I just lament the fact that I don't have more time to enjoy that food. :)

Fourth, I LOVE the fireworks.  The booms, the crashes, the bangs, the colors, WOW!!!  LOVE them.  I had our wedding guests light sparklers instead of throwing rice or blowing bubbles.  It was SO much fun! I'm just a pomp and circumstance kinda gal.  Ally loves the fireworks so much, that last time she saw them, she clapped and said "oh wow" every time a firework went off!  It was so precious to watch.

Most of all, I love the 4th of July because it represents my very favorite privilege, FREEDOM!! I am such an independent spirit, I could not live without being free.  Or let's say I would have a very hard time doing so.  So I am most of all thankful to God for giving me the freedom to be me and to live according to my convictions.  I love that about God and my country America!  And I thank God that there are SO many people out there that are willing to fight so that I can keep that freedom.

I could go on and on about how much I love things about the 4th.  But instead of boring you to tears with my lovin', I will just share some of the fun things I found while browsing pinterest and blogs this week.   Hoping you will enjoy these as much as I do!

I don't know why I'm so obsessed with these old cars... ;)

Isn't this adorable?

Beautiful table setting

Cute candles


I might make these...

I thought this was so awesomely patriotic


And more yum!!

I just LOVE this table setting

The polka dots are SO fun!

And there's nothing more gorgeous than natural beauty!

The coolest 4th of July post I found this week was at Sassy Sanctuary 
my own blog designer Krystal's blog.  I just LOVE this mantel she made.  
It's SO fitting and lovely for such a wonderful holiday.  

I LOVE the little firecrackers best of all! She even has a tutorial for them 

I hope all of you have the BEST
4th of July ever!   And DO remember most of all
to thank God for the freedoms we have because so many 
people have sacrificed to give them to us! 

Linking up with This Kind of Love and The Vintage Apple
for their fun parties!!  Go check 'em will ya?


Kathryn said...

Love all that red, white, and blue!

Kay said...

Well... now I'm hungry!

Jane said...

Ahhh I love everything here! I wasn't really looking forward to the 4th this year because my husband won't be here, even though it's my favorite holiday. I might be getting a little excited now though. I want to go out and make all the decorations I was avoiding.

Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the shoes-- I adore polka dots and festivity! Such great pins! I so wish I could make pretty strawberries like that!

jessica said...

omg i LOVE this post! i LOVE the fourth of july too. you picked out some awesome inspiring photos!

this got me even more excited for this weekend and especially monday!

hope you guys have a safe and fun weekend!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Love the shoes!!! :) Stopping by via Michelle's blog. :) Happy Wednesday!

Courtney said...

Those are great pictures to represent the 4th, I am DYING to find out where those shoes are from?!
I love this Holiday too, so many fun things to celebrate!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

OK that mantle is gorgeous! I adore it!! And your pictures, too! OK I'm single, but a woman so I dream lol, but when I get married I think it'd be amazing to do it on 4th of July with the whole theme :)

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

I wish I had a mantle to decorate! Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Glad you love the Fourth, too! I can't wait!

Visiting via what i love wed hop - want to become a follower but the space is blank right now...

Happy Fourth!


Brooke said...

Your blog is SO SO SO cute!! So glad to be your newest follower!!

Anonymous said...

I love the 4th of July too.. Maybe because that mean my birthday is 11 days away! :)

New blog follower! Come follow back and enter my great giveaways!

Anonymous said...

I love all your pins!! I've seen the jello fishbowl on pinterest a couple of times and think it's just so cute!

Jessica Ruud said...

Fantastic pictures!! I love them. I love the 4th as well. EE :)

Melissa said...

I am your newest follower from the Terrific Thursday Blog Hop! Please come visit me at

Shabby Chic Mom said...

Bless the US! LOVE the pics!!

following from thursday hop! would love for you to follow back and say hello!

Michelle said...

Those strawberries look DELISH!!!! I need some of those asap! LOL!!!

Thank you for linking up for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday!!!

Michelle @ The Vintage Apple

Grandma Bonnie said...

The photos are great. Happy 4th.
New follower from the Terrific Thursday Hop.
Hope you follow back.

The How To Mommy said...

Love adding turquoise to the red, white and blue! Thanks for linking up at Tasty Thursdays.
-The How To Mommy

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