Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pedicare Set Winner!!!!

I'm SO excited to announce the WINNER of my very FIRST giveaway here on Suite Dreems!!

I have to admit I was SO excited and NERVOUS about doing a giveaway on this tiny little spot in the HUGE bloggy world.  First of all I was terrified that NO ONE would enter.  Then, I wondered, what would I do with my awesome prize if no one wanted it!!  But seeing it is SO cool I was SURE at least someone would want it.  And a few of you did, though I kinda wish more people would have entered!  Sigh.  Maybe next time. 

But now I am taking away from the excitement of the moment where I actually announce the winner....and the winner of the beautiful pedicure set is...!!!!!!!!!!

June from Faith and Freebies   June, I am SO excited and privileged to have you as my blogging friend.  Thank you SO MUCH for entering my first giveaway!  REALLY, I couldn't have done it without you!!     I will contact you ASAP and make sure to get your address so I can send you your prize!!

And for the rest of you, please stay tuned for ANOTHER giveaway we will be doing coming up shortly! 


June L said...

I am so so so so so excited! Thank you for doing this. You will have more followers and people entering your giveaways before you know it :0)

carol l mckenna said...

Don't you feel great when others are so thrilled ~ Great blog ~ wonderful family you have ~ visit my blog when you have a chance love to have you visit ~ ^_^

Sara said...

Oh yes, Carol!!! LOVE making other people thrilled!! Thank you SO much for stopping by! I will stop by your blog soon!

Sara said...

Oh thank you June!! SO happy you won!

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