Oh I can't even begin to describe how EXCITED I am about what's coming up in SuiteDreems bloggy land! In the next few weeks there are going to be two giveaways going on right here along with more photography posts, craft posts, and most likely (if you know me) posts about babies. *wink* *wink*
But before I get Way ahead of myself, I have some things I need to tell you. First of all, I've NEVER ever done a giveaway here before, so I am just about jumping up and down with joy even thinking about it!
And second of all, I haven't told anyone yet that I actually "sell" fun stuff that I am going to be giving away!!!! So here is what's going to be going on here in the next two weeks... Make sure to visit OFTEN to make sure you get in on the FUN.
For those of you who don't already know this, I am a Mary Kay beauty consultant, who LOVES to be a part of making you lovely ladies even MORE beautiful! And MY do we have some cool trendy spring stuff that's just come out for you to pick from! You can find all of it HERE on my personal website. And here is what I am going to be GIVING (yes I said giving!) away in the next two weeks, can you believe it? This lovely spring pedicure set will be sent to one of you lucky bloggy readers...;)